Monday, October 29, 2012

What Are Local Voters Saying?

Though Lakeside Marblehead postal service is great, voting by mail felt uncomfortable. Normally an independent voter, I arrived at my candidate of choice by looking at the background and experience of either candidate. Another factor involves the story of how I was turned down for a job due to relaxed immigration rules/

Recently, I had a talk with a local union man, Skipper Jack, who is semi retired.  He’s the first mate of a commercial fishing charter offering excursions on Lake Erie.  Jack appears undecided about his favorite candidate, but was a union member most of his working career. He talked of attending a union function in Cleveland. Hopes are that the union won’t be such a powerful factor in this election.  Though not a religious person, my feeling at this point is to pray. I feel the problems with the economy are part of a huge moral crisis in the U.S.A. Unions are no exception.

I’m approaching retirement age, but would like to continue working in the landscaping trade.  I’m physically fit and healthy. With seven years local experience, my nickname at my previous job was “Kubota Queen.” I could operate the bucket, plow and mow with this tractor. With plenty of gardening experience to boot, I was always able to find work until recently. But I was turned away at the gate of Barnes’s Nursery and Greenhouse.  The person who denied my access had a Spanish accent, and in the lot I could see that the whole crew was of Spanish descent.  I don’t think they were from Spain, either. Does this give a clue about who I’m going to vote for?

Voters residing on the Marblehead peninsula are few compared the seasonal population explosion. Most of the people I talk with deplore the current president. Lakeside Marblehead is close to the tourist destination of Port Clinton that diminishes from one million to ten thousand after Memorial Day, but news broadcasts from the bigger cities like Toledo, and Cleveland are influential around here. 

I was stunned when I recently viewed the Toledo Station with news anchor Jerry Anderson. He interviewed Julia Torres Barden ,  who began to speak of the past associations of the current president.   She may change her voting party after mulling over murmurs of communism concerning the president's background.  This trend is beginning to even out, but was ridiculous prior to recently.  News caster Jerry Anderson got brave and actually interviewed a democrat who planned to switch to republican because of the president’s dark background concerning associates from the past. 

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